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Words I Would Say

April 12, 2016

How many times throughout our day or lives do we dwell on what we would say if we had that one opportunity to face someone? An ex, old friend, someone who was your best friend, no matter who we think about what we would say.

Would you be angry, hurt, sorry? All of the above. (That's me) Especially if I think about how many people I have hurt or been hurt by my words or theirs. Some I have apologies, others anger and some I don't have words just hurt.

As I walked to class this morning, I heard a song by Sidewalk Prophets that started the little hamster in my head of thoughts about words. While, I want to have anger and hurt I just thought about these words and would they be helpful or hurtful? I realized that no matter how I feel what I need to say is.

"Be strong in the Lord and never give up hope. You're gonna do great things, I already know. God's got his hand on you so don't live life in fear. Forgive and forget but don't forget why you're here. Take your time and pray."

So simple but yet so meaningful.

As I have continued to think and mediate on these throughout this morning, I realized how much I need to say this to myself too. While I spend so much time focusing on others I lose sight of myself. Who you are and whether or not you are okay is important. Not self-reflecting does more harm than good. (Take it from my own experience)

Right now, things aren't okay but they will be. There is a light at the end of the tunnel for me and my friendships. Even though I don't know how. So, I'm done dwelling of what should've been or what I should or shouldn't have said because it isn't going to change the past. I have to move forward.

Forward means to continue to pray and lean on God. The words you say to others are important but what about the words you are saying to yourself?



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