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The Sisterhood

March 1, 2016

I've been an only child my whole life and have longed to have sisters and siblings. I never had them until I came to college. Here I found my floor last year that was full of sisters and now I have three of them that I couldn't do life without.

Each of us is different in our own way but we know how to build each other up and be strong for each other when one of us can't. I learned that lesson the hard way. However, they have been there to support me and love me through it all.

The short one was on my floor last year and we hated each other for the longest time. Finally, we met in the middle and realized that we have SO many similarities in our struggles. We didn't agree on our faith but I just kept throwing scripture at her until, hopefully, she'd believe it. Finally she did and now she throws scripture at me! We became so close we wanted to live together this year but jk God had a different plan. We had a falling out at the beginning of August but somehow God brought us back together. She has become my confidant and one of my sisters. She is my right hand everything when I need here. She's absolutely crazy which is why I love her. (Keep in mind crazy is a requirement to be in the sisterhood)

She and my oboe sister fight it out for who is crazier most days. They are the most ridikkulus duo I have ever had in my life. Fun fact: my oboe sister and I didn't get along very much when we first met either. (I'm noticing a pattern). However, we bonded over our band struggles and being stuck together for wind ensemble. We grew together and she was there when I had a meltdown, or five. She builds me up when I need it and knows when I say I'm okay and I'm not. She will love yell scripture and Jesus at me when I need it. I love her to no end because we know how to be there for each other without words. She is the crazy one who dove into building this ministry with me and it was a leap off of the crazy cliff into trusting the Lord.

These two have been there for me through thick and thin and our last sister has become a sister this year and she is the rational one. The hare and I became super close when we spent eight days in London over New Years. She is! She keeps my head on straight when I can't because of my emotions. While I can't see the whole picture she does. Sometimes she doesn't have words but she knows she doesn't have to. She will just be there when I need her. She can make me smile and laugh when I don't think anyone will. While she's the most normal one in the sisterhood she has her moments. Her sarcasm and sass make my day. (Even though she doesn't pick up sarcasm, she can dish it). I love her dearly for all of the bad days I have had that she has helped me get through.

Each of these sisters are totally unique but we are all puzzle pieces that fit together. They are the sisters that blow up my group chat when I'm in an exam so I have 47 notifications when I get done. There is so much nerddom, craziness and love between the four of us. God has blessed me with sisters I never knew I could have.

Sister- a person who is there when you need her; someone who will catch you when you fall; a shoulder to cry on; someone to laugh with; most importantly, a sister is a friend. No definition does these girls justice but this is pretty close.

I have found my sisterhood. Have you found yours?



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