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What Side of Love?

November 28, 2016

I was listening to this song by Parachute on the car drive back to school the other day and started thinking about love. Especially, when it is said in a relationship. What does it mean? When is too soon? What weight does that carry in a relationship? Are these things that people think about when they say I love you? Are they things that should be thought about?

Then I thought about my parents. They have been married for 27 or 28 years and have had a lot of struggles along the way and their marriage isn't perfect but they do love each other. You know how I know?

"It can light you up, it can leave you cold." My dad saw six years of cold. He stayed by my mom's side through it. That's love. My mom and dad spent six years basically not talking at all. From what I remember of it all, the only conversations they had was when they fought about stupid small stuff. When you can go through years of fighting but still get through it with Christ. That is love.

Infatuation is not love. I hate the idea in our society today that they have become equals because they aren't. It is one of my biggest pet peeves to see couples who have only been together a few months who say 'I love you' because they don't understand. They love they good and happy parts of their significant other but what about the bad?

I'm not saying I'm not guilty of this because I am. I will admit that. I said it 11 days into my last relationship. 11 days. I didn't know what love was. After the next year and nine months we were together, I grew to love him very much because we went through a lot together. It wasn't just the happy things but the deep emotional things I loved.

Today our society has become too focused on the shallowness of how someone looks or the gratification that someone can give us but that isn't what people are supposed to be. We are humans. Real human beings will emotions. I do not understand why we don't get to know someone on an emotional level before we say 'I love you' to them.

Love changes you. Sometimes for the better and sometimes for the worse. We don't understand that. When we don't understand truly what it means to love the wrong person we become someone we aren't to please someone else and lose ourselves.

Sometimes, you meet someone who will love you regardless of the bad things and it will change you for the better. When you find it, don't let it go because a true love is worth fighting for.

What side of love are you on?



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