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Own Your Mistakes

February 13, 2016

In the past 10-20 minutes, I have realized that sometimes the best way to handle the mistakes we make in our lives is to wear them and own them with pride. Crazy? Probably but also freeing.

If I can be honest that I screw up and own that then no one can tell me what I do or don't do. I will just be straight up honest that I fricked up my life in some way. Yeah when we screw up those consequences usually suck but if we can be honest about that then, can it get any worse?

Especially since people only have the power we give them. Texas pointed that out to me and I realized that she is so right. I spent so much time giving the short one power over me and the words she cut me down with that I never took the time to realize I was the one giving her that power. If I had taken a step back, I could have seen that she was only as powerful as I let her be.

With our mistakes, it is the same principle because they are only as powerful as we let other people hold them over us. The way I see it, if I just own all of my mistakes as my own and be honest about it then no one can hold them over me. Don't get me wrong the idea is terrifying because it takes openly admitting when we are wrong and that isn't easy.

Sometimes the things that aren't easy will make us grow, I think. So own your mistakes because they make you, you.

Are there mistakes you need to own?



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