March 28th, 2018 Over the past couple of days, the wheels have been turning about what it means to be a Christian, what does it look like to be in a healthy relationship, or what does it mean to truly be happy? As I got coffee with one of my profs on Tuesday, I asked this question. What does it look like to be a Christian but struggle with reading the Bible everyday? What does it mean if I struggle to read a devotional book everyday? This is something that he did not have an answer for. Honestly, I don't either. I can tell you that I love Jesus more than there are words. I'm the girl that takes notes in chapel, EVEN with a phone. Cause that was a fun time today in chapel. Being called out for being on my phone. Wow, sorry that I actually care. That instant reaction is me trying to defend my relationship with God. I do care. I do try. I do love Jesus more than I can express to people. What does it mean to be all in for Jesus but not be able to be consistent? I realized t...